Computer support training courses you’ll find on the internet aren’t always worth your time. Here’s what to look for before signing up.

When you search Google for computer support training programs, navigating all the different options can be overwhelming. Instead of lots of technical details, you need some simple answers to some simple questions:

  • What should a computer support training program include to fully prepare you for a job in the field?
  • How much does a good program cost?
  • How much time will you need to commit to finish the program and find a job?
  • How can you tell if a program is legit before committing?

This article addresses these questions and more by sharing the essential features of a great computer support training program. When you finish reading, you’ll be able to discern a good program from a not-so-good one, so you can confidently take the next step toward launching your career in information technology (IT) support.

After that, we’ll give you all the details of our free and fully remote IT support program at Climb Hire. That way, you can see for yourself how it measures up. In case our program isn’t what you’re looking for, we’ll also go over some other options for computer support training that might be better suited to your needs.

Climb Hire is a non-profit organization committed to helping low-income and overlooked working adults ages 24–40 start careers in the tech industry. Apply now to our IT Support training program.

What to Look for in a Computer Support Training Program

Consider these qualities when seeking out a computer support training program:

  • Look for a program that trains you toward industry-recognized IT certification. CompTIA A+ certification is the industry standard. It’s vendor-neutral and highly sought-after by recruiters for entry-level computer support positions. Other IT certifications, like Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) and Apple Certified Support Professional, are also available, but many focus on specific technologies or platforms.
  • Look for a program that matches up with the certification’s curriculum. Whichever IT certification you want to be trained in, the program should thoroughly prepare you for the exams. Evaluate the certification website and compare it to the program’s curriculum to be sure.
  • Look for a program that also trains you in soft skills. Getting training for employment is not just about learning technical knowledge. Soft skills are non-technical professional skills, like interviewing or other interpersonal skills, that can improve your chances of landing a job.
  • Look for an instructor-led program. IT concepts are complex and can be pretty challenging for anyone new to the field. Having a live instructor who’s there to teach you the information can make a huge difference in helping you grasp the material and answer any questions you might have in real-time.
  • Look for graduate testimonials and success stories to ensure the program is legit. It should have a track record of success so you don’t waste your time or money on an ineffective program.
  • Look for a program that offers hands-on experience where you practice what you’re learning to enhance your understanding and retention of the concepts.
  • Look for a program that fits your schedule, whether that means flexible online classes, in-person attendance, or a hybrid model. University courses can take up to 4 years, while independent programs often have a condensed schedule, allowing you to start your IT career in under a year. Consider your timeline and availability to find the right fit.
  • Look for a program that includes job placement assistance and networking opportunities. This can include help with resume building, interview preparation, and dedicated mentorship during your job search, which makes finding a job much easier. Additionally, programs with partnerships with tech companies and strong professional networks can lead to quicker job leads and placements.
  • Look for an affordable (or even free!) program. For example, nonprofits (such as Climb Hire) can offer comprehensive yet free educational programs thanks to their donors. Consider peripheral costs as well, such as additional materials or exam fees. The CompTIA A+ exam fees total around $500, and many other certifications are equally pricey. Some programs include the cost of certification, saving you quite a bit of money.

How Does Climb Hire’s IT Support Training Program Stack Up?

Climb Hire is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is to provide career advancement opportunities to low-income working adults who might not otherwise have access to them. Hundreds of our graduates have gone on to land tech roles at companies like Google, IBM, Salesforce, Discord, and more.

Let’s look at exactly how our IT Support training program stands out.

Thorough Training Toward CompTIA A+ Certification

Climb Hire’s IT support program specifically prepares students for the CompTIA A+ certification. Students learn all the technical skills they need to pass the two certification exams:

Plus, you don’t need a Bachelor’s degree or any other prior education or experience to qualify.

An overview of the syllabus for Climb Hire’s IT Support program is available for anyone who wants to see it. The major concepts it covers are:

  • Basics of IT like networking, computer hardware, software, troubleshooting, and operating systems.
  • Mobile device essentials including laptop hardware, displays, setup, and connectivity.
  • Networking know-how covering ports, protocols, wireless networks, configurations, and more.
  • Hardware details like cables, adapters, memory, storage devices, motherboards, and such.
  • Additional topics such as cloud computing, operating systems, security, and more.

This curriculum ensures that students are well-prepared for careers in computer support.

Instructor-Led Program That Includes Hands-On Experience & Training in Soft Skills

Climb Hire’s IT Support program is taught by live, expert instructors to pods of students. They not only teach the essential IT concepts, but also train you in soft skills so you can ace interviews, write successful resumes and cover letters, and communicate effectively on the job.

The curriculum also includes assisted lab work, allowing students to get hands-on practice with real-world scenarios and problem-solving in hardware, software, and troubleshooting tasks under the guidance of experienced instructors.

All of this ensures students are fully prepared to both pass the CompTIA A+ exams and land an IT job.

Assistance with Job Search & Networking Opportunities

Every Climb Hire student is assigned a Career Development Advisor who serves as their mentor as they apply for jobs. Students and alumni also gain access to a large professional network, both through the program directly and through the connections of the alumni community.

What’s more, Climb Hire partners with tech companies that have been known to recruit top graduates from our programs. We can’t promise job placement, but the connections you make through our community can open many doors and make the job hunt that much easier.

Over 80% of Climb Hire graduates find jobs within six months of program completion, often increasing their salaries to over $50k. This is a typical starting salary for an IT support specialist.

A Free, Flexible & Legit Program

For all of 2024, every Climb Hire program is free, courtesy of our generous donors. There are no hidden fees or extras needed for the program, just a laptop and Wi-Fi.

On top of that, Climb Hire covers the roughly $500 in fees for the CompTIA A+ exams, reducing the financial burden even more so students can focus on their education.

Our IT support program only takes 6 months to complete. Classes are fully remote, though they are taught by instructors in real-time. This offers enough structured support to fully learn complex technical concepts while still enabling you to juggle your studies with other commitments.

Climb Hire’s alumni testimonials demonstrate how our program leads students to professional success. For example, Miguel was a cook in a restaurant before starting a Climb Hire program. He sought a career change after seeing his peers earn much more than him. Once he graduated from Climb Hire, he got a job at IBM that he would have never been able to land before.

Apply now to our IT Support training program.

3 other options for computer support training

While Climb Hire is flexible, free, and offers comprehensive computer support training, it may not be the right fit for everyone. In that case, there are three alternative routes you might consider.

1. Computer Support Training Programs for Other Certifications

CompTIA A+ certification is highly regarded in the industry, but it’s not the only option available. Here are some other commonly sought-out IT support certifications:

  • Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) IT Support
  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals
  • Google IT Support Professional Certificate
  • Apple Certified Support Professional

The majority of these are not vendor-neutral, meaning they only teach you how to learn specific platforms or technologies. For example, Apple offers coursework to pass the Apple Certified Support Professional exams, which only gives you expertise in Apple product support.

These other certifications can be useful. But for the best employment prospects, you’ll probably need CompTIA A+ certification as well — which you can get from Climb Hire.

IT professionals often choose to continue leveling up their skills after gaining some experience working in the industry. Advanced CompTIA certifications, like Network+ for networking fundamentals and Security+ for cybersecurity knowledge can prove your advanced competency and qualify you for more specialized roles within the IT field.

2. College Computer Support Training Programs

Many colleges offer isolated computer support certificate programs that are separate from their two or four-year degree tracks. It varies from program to program whether classes are remote or in-person.

Here are some pros and cons to consider:


  • Rigorous curriculum: College programs often follow comprehensive coursework, covering a wide range of IT topics.
  • Credibility: Completing a program from a reputable university can enhance your resume and credibility in the job market.
  • Networking opportunities: Colleges may have strong connections with industry professionals and offer networking events for students.


  • Cost: College programs can be expensive (tens-of-thousands of dollars expensive), especially compared to free or low-cost alternatives.
  • Time commitment: Completing a college computer support program can require a more significant time investment of at least a few years.
  • No support in the job hunt: Most colleges don’t offer training in soft skills or dedicated mentorship to students as they are searching for jobs.

On the other hand, Climb Hire is free, takes only 6 months to complete, and offers support as you apply for jobs.

3. Other Online Computer Support Training Programs

There are hundreds (if not thousands) of online computer support training programs available, many for CompTIA A+ certification. It’s really important to make sure you check the details and payment obligations before you sign up, as some programs are not all that transparent about cost.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of going this route:


  • Variety of options: With numerous online computer support training programs available, learners have the freedom to choose a program that best fits their preferences, learning styles, and career goals.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Many online programs are more affordable compared to traditional in-person programs, so finding one within your budget shouldn’t be hard.
  • Accessibility: Online programs can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for travel to a physical location.


  • Variable quality: The quality of online programs can vary widely, ranging from dedicated nonprofits to independent study courses that lack comprehensive coverage of the material, and everything in between. It’s important to research and choose a reputable program with a proven track record of success.
  • Weeding through all the options is time-consuming: There are so many online IT support training programs that sorting through them to find a good program can be a daunting task.
  • Self-discipline is required: Many courses are primarily based on pre-recorded video lectures or self-guided study materials. If you choose this route, it will demand strong self-motivation and discipline to truly learn the material without the structure and accountability of real-time instruction.

It can be hard to know what you’re getting into with these courses. Instead, Climb Hire provides a clear and supportive learning path that’s free — with no hidden fees or strings attached.

Choose Climb Hire for Your IT Support Training

At Climb Hire, our IT Support program offers a clear and quick path to earning CompTIA A+ certification and beginning your career as a computer support specialist.

Let’s recap some of the benefits of the Climb Hire program:

  • All students who enroll in 2024 get completely free tuition and can take the CompTIA A+ exams at no cost.
  • The program only takes 6 months to complete, and 80% of Climbers get a job within 6 months of graduation.
  • Expert-led, remote classes offer a balance of convenience and personalized guidance.
  • Many graduates find jobs with a salary of over $50k.

Apply now for our next IT Support training session to begin your new career journey.

Computer Support Training FAQs

What are some examples of common entry-level IT support roles?

Desktop user support specialist, technical support specialist, ​​help desk technician, field service technician, system administrator assistant, computer network support technician, network security assistant, information systems technician, IT service desk analyst, and computer repair technician.

What is the typical salary for entry-level IT support positions?

According to Glassdoor, entry-level tech support positions average between $45–$85k per year, with the average salary around $53k.

Are there any educational prerequisites or prior knowledge required to enroll in a computer support training program?

Some computer support training programs may have educational prerequisites or require prior tech knowledge. For example, university programs might require a high school diploma or equivalent.

However, at Climb Hire, no educational prerequisites are needed to enroll in our IT support training program. We welcome individuals from all backgrounds and skill levels to join our program and start their journey toward a career in IT support.

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